
Jul 1, 2013

Rose - 美しく生きるために

Hello sweeties <3

OMG~ I have so many posts planned in my head and not enough time T^T Hopefully I can put them all up before I leave for Tegernsee on Friday ^^" Can't wait to meet my girls again...although I saw them just one week ago but I can't help but miss them. But anyways, enough rambling and on to the post :) 

Well, it is Monday again and you know what that means - 7 good things that happened last week~

1. I finally received my Pas de deux in the blue moon JSK from Baby *yay* Only had to run through the rain in my pyjamas to get it as the dhl carrier didn't find my flat xD
2. The "Me and my icecream"-LE from Essence came out and I indulged in that xD
3. ...I did not buy any eyeshadows from mentioned LE xD (yep, that is a good thing happening to me)
4. I obsessed over True Blood.
5. Made plans to go to Louisiana next year~
6. Went to another Korean Restaurant with my colleagues.
7. Had an awesome meet-up yesterday with the Lolitas of Stuttgart - mostly thanks to Schelli ;)

And speaking of awesome meet-up I just use the opportunity to show you some pictures from yesterday...or else the title of this post would have no meaning ^-^""

...we went to the Rosensteinpark in  Stuttgart to take some pictures :) And as Schelli and me were in a rather fangirling mode -WE ARE VERSAILLES - we had to take pictures with many many roses :3

The roses in the park smelled so nice *O* And the colors were so vibrant~ And of course we met Aslan ;)

I really like that picture...even though the perspective makes the skirt look waaaaaay to short and my legs look waaaaay to long than they really are xD But I really like my legs here...we just call this inspired than ;)

And I love this picture...sometimes even I don't look like a total derp xD

Waiting for my prince to come...don't let me wait too long though ;D

JSK: Pas de deux in the blue moon [BTSSB] - Blouse/Cardigan: Bodyline - Shoes: An-tai-na - Socks: BTSSB - Jewelry: Kaufland - Wig: Lockshop - Headbow: BTSSB [used the front bow of the JSK] - Rose: H&M - Wig: Lockshop - Rose: Kamjio sent it?!? *jk*

I hope your weekend was as awesome as mine~ What did you do?

Have a nice week everyone <3



  1. You look so cute ^^ Love this dress, it's really awesome <3

    1. <3 Thank chuu~
      It features scenes from Swan Lake...therefore it is bound to be awesome :3 I love that dress sooooo much *-*

  2. <3 Told you you´d look beautiful <3

    I´m glad you seem to like the pictures I´ve taken of yours ;)


    1. Thank you ^///^ Sometimes I really feel so ugly but after seeing the pics I my change my mind xD I think I would suit him ;D

      And indeeed: WE ARE VERSAILLES!

    2. awwwww <3 One of the best compliments you could ever make me <3 <3

      Looking forward to our fangirl-evening

  3. OMG das Kleid ist megaschön!!! Das kannte ich gar nicht *O*
