
Jul 8, 2013

7 Things~

Hello sweeties <3

It is Monday again, my awesome weekend at Tegernsee is over and I am having after-holiday-depressions ^^" Do you know that feeling when you don't want to return to your daily life that kicks you in the butt more often than you would like? Well, it is like that...only a bit worse as I fell over and over in love again with this beautiful region *sighs* Anyways, I don't want to whine and rather write down 7 great things that happened during the week...well, this time lets say, during the weekend as my week was, well, for the bucket X.x Let's start~

1. Went to meet sweet Vanilla for her Birthday Party :)
2. Made selfmade icecream for the first time and it was supereasy :3
3. Got a hold on three new dresses for my collection (more on that in another post ;D)
4. Vanilla took me to one of the most awesome Indian Restaurants I ever ate at...well, it was the first time for me to go to an Indian Restaurant so I can't compare but the food was A-W-E-S-O-M-E <3
5. Enjoyed the nice weather at lake Tegernsee~
6. Fell in love with this beautiful place again...I so did not want to leave xD
7. Chatted with my sweet girls about everything and nothing :3

How was your week? I hope you had a good start into this one :)

Have a nice evening~



  1. Wir sind ja auch gerade von unserem kleinen Urlaub zurück, daher kann ich deine after-holiday-depression gut verstehen ... ich hab gerade voll Heimweh! Und letzte Woche hatte der Lütte rund um die Uhr 5 Erwachsene, die ihn bespaßt haben (freiwillig hab ich ihn immer nur bekommen, wenn er hungrig war) ... das Spaßpensum ist als Einzelne nicht aufrecht zu erhalten ...
    Aber wir halten die Woche schon irgendwie durch ^^ *drück*

    1. *flausch* Man sollte die Verteilung Urlaub-Arbeit überdenken xD Mehr Urlaub für die Welt ist meine Meinung *nick nick*

      Japp, wir schaffen das schon iwie *knuddel*
