Hello sweeties <3
*sighs* I am sad that my long weekend is over. On Friday I went to Tegernsee to help Vanilla with her preparations for her birthday party and well, also see my favourite place in Germany again xD When I arrived we first went to have some Indian food and I was totally impressed by the taste. I think I really like indian food *haha* Later we went to the supermarket to buy all the neccessary things and soon after we reached Vanillas place we started to prepare everything for Saturday...we had so much fun even though not everything came out as planned xD
On Saturday we finished the preparations and waited for the guests to arrove. Unfortunately only 3 of the invited 7 guests showed up >.<" We had fun nonetheless :3 As always we talked and talked and talked and while we were at it we went to the lake, took some pictures and just enjoyed the scenery~
Our little group :) Everyone looked so beautiful <3 And I really loved my Co-Ord this day...kinda like a British lady (that turned pastel)...I think it is because of the hat xDD
And the obligatory picspam *haha* Emilie and koo-chan took so many great pictures...I can't decide which one of them I like the most x"D
Tegernsee is a really great place to take awesome pictures *O* I love staying there as it feels like Italy but somewhat not *ehehehe* I really envy the people living here x"D Maybe I will think about Vanillas proposal and move there in the future *hahaha*
JSK: Metamorphose - Blouse: ebay - Cardigan: Bodyline - OTK: Metamorphose - Hat: Karstadt - Bow: Metamorphose - Roses: H&M, Claire's - Wig: Lockshop - Bracelets: Bijou Brigitte - Necklace: Kaufland
Tegernsee - one of the most beautiful places I have ever been <3 It is still love!
Have a nice day everyone <3
Das Outfit ist suuuper *.* Du siehst total toll aus (^///^) ♡
ReplyDeleteDanke ^///^Ich finde auch, dass mir die Co-Ord gut gelungen ist :3
DeleteAs I said before: I simply LOVE your outfit! I´m so sad I didn´t see it IRL.
ReplyDeleteThank chuuu <3
DeleteDas Outfit ist sooo toll, besonders gefällt mir ja der Hut <3
ReplyDeleteIch kann mich auch gar nicht entscheiden, welches Foto ich am schönsten finde. Die sind wirklich alle super >_<
Übrigens finde ich, dass dir die rosane Perücke unheimlich gut steht. Gefällt mir viel besser an dir, als das schwarz :o
Danke <3 Der Hut ist ein echter Glücksgriff gewesen...war mit ner Kollegin shoppen, haben den Hut gesehen und der musste sofort mit xD
DeleteIch mag mich momentan auch lieber mit hellen Haaren...bin ja eigentlich auch naturdunkel-bis straßenköter-hellblond...ne ganz komische Mischung xD Hoffe ich kann meine echten Haare auch bald wieder so zur Schau tragen xD