
Jul 28, 2013

Hottest photoshoot ever...

Hello sweeties <3

I am back from yet another awesome but absolutely hot weekend in Franconia. This time we had our long planned photoshoot with the awesome photographer Karin Reichert <3 Although the shoot started at 1 pm Milky Rose and myself already woke up at 8 o'clock to prepare the make-up and hair for our first outfit and the delicious bento...although I only cut the cucumber and paprica >>" I am not that good at cooking *coughs* After we were finished Emilie Lynn collected ourselves and our luggage and we drove of to the Location~ I really really love shooting with Karin as she is a super-nice person with awesome skills <3 I hope we can shoot with her again in the future...maybe something 50ies/Pin-Up...what do you think? :3

Here is s a sneaky sneak preview of the shoot...our gorgeous fairy princess in Ero Lolita <3 <3 <3 Wanted to take her home after the shoot but I think her boyfriend would have disliked that *haha*

Koo-chan also took some pictures of us while we were waiting to get ours pictures taken. And I think she did a great job as well...the colors are so vibrant here *O*

 ...did I mention that I want a really great camera as well? And when I am already at it I also want Koo-chans skills *ehehehe*

Yep, I love to eat...especially when Milky Rose made it <3 Luv chuuu~

Cooling down a little after the felt so great to put my feet under cool water afterwards *_*

How was your weekend? I hope your weekend was as great as mine :)



  1. I love the last picture - it looks summery and romantic ^^ It was really a great day!

    1. Thank chuuu <3 It felt sooooo great to cool down my feet *O* Never wanted to leave the water *hahaha*

      It was an awsome day indeed <3

  2. Schöne Bilder~ und dein Kleid sieht so toll aus mit den Blumen ^^

    1. Danke :) War echt ein tolles Setting da...aber so heiß @@

  3. Das sind echt schon ein paar schöne Bilder. ^-^
    Das Bento sieht so lecker aus und ich mag die Fotos mit dir in der Blumenwiese total. <3

    1. Danke :) Kann es gar nicht abwarten die restlichen Bilder zu bekommen *hach*

      Das Bento war auch sehr lecker :3

  4. Die bunte Wiese passt so gut ins Bild mit deinem Outfit, sehr hübsch!
