
Jul 17, 2013

About Balloons and Perfume Bottles ;)

Hello sweeties <3

One week ago I promised that I would show you the dresses I recently bought but as work was busy and my weekend was packed I couldn't really blog about that - I am sorry for that *bows* But here you go :3

 Metamorphose "Popping Balloon JSK" in ivory - I already had this one in pink but I always rather wanted this version. Saw it on Closet Child and instantely bought it :) I sold the pink version to Koo-chan...another dress we can twin :3
Metamorphose "Perfume Bottle JSK" in white - A dream come true <3 I wanted it since I saw it at EmilieLynn 3 years ago xD It is a real princess dress *O* Can't wait to receive it~ The best thing is that I also got the matching headbow *yay*

 Pas de deux in the blue Moon headbow by BTSSB - The matching haeadbow to my JSK *nyahahahaha* I love thos kind of bows that somehow seem to eat your head...never though that I would like them *haha*
Metamorphose "Popping Balloon" Headbow - Needed the matching headbow to my new JSK *points up* Also found that on Closet Child :)

Did you recently get some of your dream things?

Have a nice evening~



  1. awww~ das sind ja wieder zwei huebsche Kleider und dann die Haarschleifen *o*
    Gefallen mir total gut^.^

    Wird dir sicher super gut stehen :))

    Liebe Gruesse,

    1. Danke ^///^ Ich kanns gar net erwarten die Sachen zu bekommen...das Perfume Bottle hängt ja grad in Frankfurt am Zoll X.x

  2. Die Kleider sind wirklich ein Traum. <3 Ich hoffe man sieht sie bald auch an dir. ^^

    1. Das Perfume Bottle ist schon in frankfurt am Zoll T^T Hoffentlich isses bald bei mir *O*
