
Sep 16, 2013

7 things~

Hello sweeties <3

Yeah, I know I am doing this later and later every time but somehow recently I find it hard to get myself up and post about 7 things...I might be deep down in a slump yet again *sighs* But nobody is being helped with me being all whiny, right? So lets start with my 7 things :)

1. Finally got my Limited Edition of Jupiter's Classical Element *fufufu*

2. Put up my Kamijo Posters and fell in love with this awesome musician again *sighs* Just love his helped me out of some pretty tough times more than once - therefore, even if it might be annoying for some people I probably won't stop talking about him for a pretty long time *hahaha*

3. Had a great time with Nezumi in Stuttgart - Thanks for keeping me company <3

4. Skype-Date on Thursday with my girls from Franconia...hope we can do that every week now :3 Need my weekly update from my "family" <3

5. Found a new awesome tv show and got hooked withput escape >>" The show is called "Haven" and it is based on a Steven King story.

6. Finally decided on a hairdo for the Innocent World Teaparty *ahahaha* And yep, I decided that I won't wear a wig for the occasion :)

7. Got this awesome Valentine *O* You really know when I need something like that to lift my spirits sweetheart *chuuuuu* <3

I hope you had a great start into this week :)

Good Night <3
