
Oct 9, 2012


Hello my sweeties <3

I received yet another package yesterday *hehe* I received this cute dress from ebay in both colors *_*
source: ebay
The quality is not supergreat as expected because I only paid around 6€ for one dress but it is not really bad either...and it fits...kind of ^^" It actually doesn't really look superbad on me but on the area around the hips it doesn't fit quite right. So, as I really really want to wear those two cute dresses I decided that I have to do something to make them fit. From now on I really wanna start doing some kind of sports every day. I already bought a stepper to shape my legs and in the long run myself but lately the laziness took a hold of me and I didn't really work out as often as I wanted to ^^" But this changes now...those dresses are my incentive to lose some weight and get in shape *hahaha* I am not fat, that I know, but I have body regions that I really don't like...well one to be specific and this region is called my, bear with me when I, from time to time, post an update on my progress ;)

One of the dresses in real life ;)

I also bought this cute belt to match the dresses (I actually also ordered one in white but haven't received that yet ^^")

So, that was just a short update from me...what are you doing to stay in shape? Tell me and help me out on my quest to a healthier body ;)

Have a nice day~


  1. meinen weißen gürtel hab ich auch noch nicht bekommen D:
    Die Hüften sitzen bei mir ebenfalls etwas komisch, aber wenn man ein bisschen mit dem taillengürtel trickst, klappt es gut ^^
    Viel Erfolg beim Sport!

    1. O.o Das ist aber echt seltsam...naja, ich hoffe einfach, dass der Gürtel noch irgendwann eintrifft xD

      Ja, mit Gürtel sieht es ganz gut aus aber ich würds schon gern haben, dass es auch einfach so passt :)

      Und Danke...ich werde mein Bestes geben...heute gehts mal wieder zum Aerobic *hihi*

  2. Die Kleidchen sehen süß aus ^^ Aber die sehen so luftig für den Sommer aus *g* Bissl kalt für den Winter, oder? Viel Spaß :)

    1. Naja~ sind ja an sich auch für den Sommer xD Deswegen hab ich ja genug Zeit mich in die reinzutrainieren *hahaha*

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    1. ^^" I thought I already linked it *ahahahaha* Sometimes I forget to do that...but well, changed that...and I have no one to take pictures of me :P So no pics with me wearing the dresses for now *haha*
