
Oct 31, 2013

Hidden Roses

Hello sweeties <3

Yet, another outfit post but this time with a twist because...dun dun dun...I am gonna show you my underwear. Well, actually not because my underwear is my secret but I want to post about a Lolitas undergarments. Actually most Lolitas don't care about what they wear underneath...especially when in comes to bloomers...some say you need to wear them if you wanna be a "real" Lolita, some don't mind but actually minding what you wear under your cute Lolita dresses comes with many advantages ;)

So, what does my Lolita-Underwear consist of?
A Tank-Top because you sometimesn wear sheer blouses that don't really cover your kidneys or other sensitive parts of your body enough. So to avoid a cold a tank top it is. Also some might not like how blouses feel on your skin AND it helps to absorb sweat in summer :3
Bloomers - some say they are a must have, some don't care...actually you can also wear short underneath your dress as nobody sees it anyways. But if some nasty wind or stairs come your way bloomers (or shorts) are a great help ;) And in the winter they give an extra layer of warmth :3
Tights (underneath the OTKs) - in summer you don't wanna wear tights but in winter you should at least wear some nylons underneath your socks.

As for the cardigan I only added that because it was cold and I don't really wanna show my chubby arms :P They still need training xD

So, what do you think about bloomers? Must-wear or do you hate them?

Have a nice day~

I am off to Franconia for the weekend so see you on Sunday *chuuuuu*



  1. Ich liebe Bloomers unheimlich! Dabei habe ich bisher leider nur ein Paar.
    Ich finde es zwar nicht notwendig zu Lolita welche zu tragen, aber sie tragen halt doch sehr dazu bei das Lolita-Feeling komplett zu machen :)
    Wenn ich mehr Auswahl hätte würde ich sie sicher auch einfach so daheim tragen, weil sie super bequem sind. Und zum schwarz feiern gehen kann man sie auch tragen! Bloomer sind einfach universell :D

    1. Ich hatte auch ne ganze Weile nur ein Paar Bloomers aber meine Sammlung wächst stetig. Besonders im Winter sind Bloomers ja extrem praktisch :3
