
Dec 2, 2013

7 things~

Hello sweeties <3

W00t! I am on time with my 7 things *muahahaha* Yep, this in itself should be one of the good things, don't you think? XD

1. Fangirling with my dear Nezumi <3 It is always so much fun spending time with you :3

2. We baked gingerbread and other delicious cookies...although I am not a great help in the kitchen I fear *hahaha*

3. Met with Thi Lialin after a pretty long time <3

4. Found the perfect outfit for the Jupiter cross your fingers that I will get it:3

5. Rediscovered a past love of mine *points down*

6.  Kamijo announced his first solo minialbum <3 *dances in circles*

7. Christmas Time started *O* I LOVE CHRISTMAS SO MUCH! Well, my home lies in the Ore mountains so I am bound to be crazy about Christmas, right? ;D

So, how was your week? Do you love Christmas as much as I do? :3

Have a nice day~



  1. Guten morgen ^o^

    Toll! Du machst auch mit :D Danke!
    Joa, ich geniss die Zeit so so. Bin halt etwas im Stress *haha* Hoffe aber, bei dir ist's grad etwas stressfreier und gemuetlicher ^.^

    Liebe Gruesse,

    1. Ist ja selbstverständlich, dass ich da mitmache...wenn mein Blog helfen kann :3
      Stressfrei kenn ich schon gar net mehr...hab ziemlich viel um die Ohren aber hey, ich hab mir das ja so ausgesucht x"D

  2. Nice!
    Love that song! ;)
