
Jun 26, 2013

Pink Box June 2013

Hello sweeties <3

As I already mentioned on Monday in my 7 things-post I finally received my first Pink Box this month and was really positively surprised about the products that were included in the box :) As this was my first ever beauty box I was really sceptical in the beginning. Therefore I decided to start with a not to expensive box (the Pink box is 12,95 EUR per month)~ After ordering it only took 5 days for the box to reach my place *thumbs up*

As the name says, the box is hot pink. In each box you receive a beauty magazine. Mine was Couch...honestly I never heard about that but it is pretty much like every other beauty magazine.

A pink ribbon holds everything together ;) And like in every box I heard of so far there is a card with the product descriptions ^^b

I was really lucky and only received full sizes ^^b

1. Clearasil Daily Clear Refreshing facegel (raspberry and cranberry) - I love to try new cleansing gels and this one smells pretty nice. In the past I often used Clearasil and it did great things for my face so I hope this will do the same~
2. Veet Easy Start Cold Wax Strips - just some days before I received the box I thought that I might try waxing my legs but wasn't sure about that yet. The Pink Box helped me decide...will report about my waxing experience...mayebe x"D
3. Merz Foam Mask for the face - never tried a foam mask...but there is a first time for everything :3
4. Sabrina Cosmetics nailpolish in pink - Will probably give that as a gift because I already have too many nailpolishes in pink >>"
5. MeMeMe Archangel Brow definer and Highlighter - This is the highlight of my box <3 Wanted to try something from MeMeMe for the longest time. Also never used a brow definer before...we will se how it looks on me :)

The brush of the brow gel is pretty small...don't know how it will come out on my brows.

Highligher...the brush looks like a lipgloss. We will see how it works on me :)

Do you buy monthly beauty boxes? Have you ever gotten the Pink Box yourself?
Can you recommend a beauty box that I sould try out? I was thinking next time I will get the Glossy Box~

Have a nice day everyone <3



  1. Deine Box ist besser wie meine XD Jedenfalls sind es wirklich Sachen, die man verwenden kann ^^ Viel Spaß beim Testen <3

    1. Was hattest du denn drin?
      Joa~ werde wahrscheinlich alles testen...bis auf den Nagellack halt ^^"

  2. Hi^^

    Tolle Sachen. Obwohl ich bei dem Clearasil something sehr skeptisch waere .. Ich habe mit der Marke in der Vergangenheit nur schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht. Meine Haut war nach wenigen Anwendungen so trocken dass sie sich an einigen Stellen gepellt hat..>.< Und Pickel davon weniger geworden sind.. Davon hab ich nichts gemerkt lol
    Aber es ja bei jedem anders.
    Aber dieses Arch ANgel produkt finde ich persoenlich jetzt mal interessant. :3 Hoffe, dass es gut ist ^^

    Ganz liebe Gruesse,

    1. Naja, Clearasil ist echt nicht für jeden was ^^" Meine Jaut verträgt so gut wie alles von daher ist auch Clearasil kein Problem xD

      Auf das Arch Angel bin ich auch schon sehr gespannt...ich werde berichten :3

      Grüße <3
