
Aug 27, 2012

Pink and white - my room

Hello sweethearts <3

I just took some pictures of my room for you first I wanted to do a wardrobe post but than I decided not to do because at first I need a "concept" *hahaha* Well...and as I have an account on poupee you can find my whole wardrobe on there ;) So here are just some pictures of my little princess-room...I am pretty proud of how my room turned out and I have to admit, I want to show it off to you *hehehe*
1.+2. My wardrobe :3 I love it so much but it was hell to put it together...and I don't mean buying all the dresses xDDD
3. Yes~ I am a fangirl...I love to collect all kind of figures :)
4. Nessi lives beside my bed *haha* A present from a friend who visited Scotland in spring <3
5. Big cup I found at Nanu Nana for less than 2 Euro <3
6. One of my favourite books ever <3 <3 <3 And a lantern I bought at Ikea ^^

Thanks for watching ;)


  1. Dein Kleiderschrank ist ein Traum!!

    1. Es war ein Krampf den zusammen zu bauen xD
      Gibts bei Ikea für gar net so viel Geld...der war glaub nur 250 Euro wenn ich mich recht erinnere ^^"

  2. Haha, ich hatte vor mir den selben Kleiderschrank zu kaufen xD

    1. Der ist echt zu empfehlen :) Ist obwohl mans am Anfang net denkt sehr geräumig ^^
