
Jul 29, 2012

1 year of blogging

Hello again my sweeties <3

Already one year has passed since I started blogging here. It was a year with many ups and downs...but for the most parts it was a year of new beginnings and new experiences. So, let me go back, think of 10 things that happened during this year and show you some pictures of this hard but awesome year ^^

1. I finished university and can now proudly call myself Magister Artium (or Master of Arts xD) now.
2. I became single wasn't as harsh as it sounds because it gave me the chance to spread my wings some way XD
...and I changed my hair color back to black xDD
3. I went to see Versailles in Cologne - A really AWESOME experience. Love their music <3
4. Celebrated one of the most awesome Christmas EVAR *O*
5. Got to know a person that is so much like me but so much not like me *hihi* ...and kinda got my heart broken in the process...aaaaaaand still haven't gotten over it >>"
Picture is somewhat related xD
 6. Found an awesome job *yay* Well, I can rant about it really much but I still love my job ^^
Pic totally related because we get so much sweets at work :3
7. Moved to Stuttgart (well, a city near but Stuttgart sounds so much more awesome xD)...I LOVE STUTTGART <3
8. Went to Tegernsee the first time in my life and instantly fell in love <3
9. Got to know many many awesome people (well, get to know them even better xD) who made my life richer...Thank you for being a part of my life <3
10. ...and got one step closer to the person I want to be ;)

So~ thanks for reading my blog until now ^^ Hope you will keep on reading :3


  1. *berichtige* Wir haben bald schon 2jähriges. ;)

    1. Das ist wahr :) Aber mein Blog noch net...der hat erst einjähriges ;)

  2. Glückwunsch ^o^
    Dann sind wir ja fast gleich alt XD

    1. Danke ^^

      Ja...irgendwie xD Wollte den Post ja eigentlich schon vorigen Monat machen aber irgendwie ist immer was dazwischen gekommen xD

  3. Congratulations on everything you have achieved in the last year. Even though every experience isn't always positive, I love that you have such a positive outlook, and are focusing on all of the amazing things you have accomplished. :)

    1. Thank you ^^

      Well~ I can't be brooding over the not so good things to long as that doesn't bring me any further in the future...gotta stay positive...even though I also fail in that XD"

  4. Glückwunsch!
    Es scheint ein aufregendes Jahr gewesen zu sein, freut mich, dass dein Blog so gut läuft. ^^
