
Jun 28, 2012

Cottoncandy-Me :3

Hello again my sweeties <3

Sorry for my long absence but this week was really busy with work and other stuff. After work I couldn't do much more that switch on the PC and chat with some brain wouldn't do anything else *sighs* But now I finally got some time to, I'll tell you about my weekend first ^^

So, what happened? I finally, finally got my ears pierced *yay* After 29 years I finally can wear earings...and all because my friends are awesome and gave me a gift card for it...and it was at a real I hope this time I can keep my pierced ears without them gettin all infected like before >.< Cross your fingers for me ;)

Saturday evening we celebrated Ayins birthday and for some hours turned into little kids...Lolitas and a playground is and interesting mix *hihi*
Of course we took many pictures of our "adventures" ;) At first we were really mature and took rather normal pictures. Me in all pink...not only the clothes also my hair turned pink *hehehe* The wig is from koo-chan and I fell in love with it <3 And decided I needed my own *O* 

The roses smelled really sweet <3 And they are matching my dress xDDD
Finally koo-chan and I were able to twin our Gingham Cherry-JSK...we wanted to do that for a pretty long time now but never came around to doing it xDD I really love that picture <3 <3 <3
That thing was made by the devil x.x 
With Ayin <3 <3 <3 Love that picture...and makes me realize how tiny I am xDDD
With Emilielynn <3 <3 <3 Now I am a giant xDDD
Hockey-Lolita? xDD Yep~ we were fooling around a lot...there also was a trampoline and we were using it in our full attire...also played Mary Poppins and stuff but the pictures of that are rather blurry so I won't show them...we had lots of fun that day <3 It was really really awesome to meet my girls again...miss you so much when I am not around in Franconia *sighs* Can't wait for next time :3

Thanks for reading this far :)

Lots of love and kisses~


  1. Du schaust sooooo hübschi aus *w*
    Das Twinfoto ist wirklich toll.

    Viel Glück mit den Ohrringen!

    1. Danke ^///^
      Das Bild liebe ich auch abgöttisch *auf ds packt* Harharhar~

      Und nochmal danke...diesmal muss es klappen egal was passiert ><

  2. 8D jup der Tag hat echt spass gemacht! Danach war ich dann aber auch fertig!!!!!

    und du bist nicht klein xD kerstin ist groß!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    an dem tag sind echt hübsche fotos rausgekommen =D

    1. Ich bin doch ned groß. XD Ich find mich gewöhnlich groß mit 1,74m... xD Außerdem braucht ihr einen großen "Mann" einfach. :)

    2. Frag mich erst...ich war ja eh schon die halbe Zeit tot xDDD Aber lustig wars sowieso <3

    3. @Kerstin: Also für mich bist du ja gefühlte 3 Meter aber ich bin auch ein gefühlter Zwerg xD Aber stimmt, wir brauchen nen großen "Mann" *rawr* <3

    4. Das Bild von Kerstin + Jana ist soooo süß. *_*

    5. @Caro: Danke <3 Ich find ja, dass an dem Tag echt viele awesome Bilder von uns allen entstanden sind :3

  3. Das sind ja schöne Fotos geworden :)

  4. congrats for the pierce!!! I got mine when I was waited to see if I wanted it! haha

    Twins!! You both look super cute!!!

    1. I also tried to get a pierce than I was younger but it didn't work...grew back again...kinda xD

      And Thank you ^o^

  5. That is super exciting! :D I got my ears pierced when I was 13, I think! Loving these pictures - such a fun look!

    1. I hope everything works with my pierce ^^"

      And Thank you ^^
