
Sep 11, 2012

It must be paradise~

Hello my sweeties <3

I am back from my short trip to Tegernsee and already miss beeing there *sighs* Well, I already came back yesterday but I didn't feel so well because of the heat and nearly slept the whole day ^^" But now I got my energy back and can write about my awesome trip to one of the most beautiful places on earth :3 But instead of writing what I did I will let the pictures talk because there are no words to describe the beauty of the place and the awesomeness of the time I had there <3 Thanks again to Vanilla for letting me stay at here place and making me feel so welcome there *hugs*

I was welcomed with a delicious snack consisting of most awesome pretzels, haribo and nimm2-popsicles...didn't know about those...they taste like the candy *om nom nom*

Woke up to this beautiful view <3

After a nice and long breakfast we went to Tegernsee (the village and the lake xD) and were greeted by this awesome view...did I tell you that I am sooooo much in love with this place? :D

It sparkled beautifully <3 <3 <3

I kinda envy the people living at this wonderful lake *O* It is so so so beautiful there :3

Before having a trip around the lake by ship we had awesome Chai at the cafe called "Seehaus"...soooo delicious <3

Captain Alice xD There was this cute little boat for kids to play on the real ship and I had to pose on there ;) thanks to Vanilla for taking these awesome pictures :3 *hugs again*

In the evening we went to Bayern 3-Dorffest that took place in Bad Wiessee...when booking my tickets it wasn't decided yet that this party would be held here so we were really lucky *mwahahaha* We saw Stereolove and Dick Brave and the Backbeats (for free *O*) <3 <3 <3 AWESOME!!!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

*sighs* So great <3, already so many pictures xD Next post will be even more *hahaha* Than I will talk about a really sunny and relaxing Sunday at Lake Tegernsee <3 Stay tuned my lovelies~


  1. Du hast für den Tegernsee schon einen eigenen Tag? ^__^
    Ich fands toll, mal wieder das ganze WE mit jemanden über Kleider, Shopping, MakeUp und so viel mehr zu quatschen. Freu mich schon, wenn Du wieder kommst Liebes <3 *ganz lieb drück*

    1. Natürlich hat der Tegernsee nen eigenen Tag xD Meine groooooße Liebe ;)

      Wie gesagt, ich plane im November wieder ein Wochenende bei dir zu verbringen *har har har* *zurück flausch*
