
Jun 10, 2014

Top 3 - Perfumes

Hello sweeties <3

It is time for another installment of my newly created and already forgotten *coughs* Top 3. This time I ant to talk about my Top 3 most favourite scents of all time...well, until now because I might find another awesome scent just today ;)

1. Rose Essentielle - Bvlgari
I already ranted about this perfume in my perfume collection video a lot and I still love it sooooo much *-* Most of the rose scented perfumes don`t smell that nice on me but this one is really different. The scent is not as heavy as you might expect and you really feel like walking into a rose garden. Also it has a freshness to it that I am missing in most of the other rose perfumes out there ^^b

2. Anna Sui - La Vie de Bohème
This one also was love at first "sight"...or rather smalle ;) It is really fruity and also floral at the same time. And most important for me: It is really sweet and feminine <3 Also the bottle looks amazing ^o^

3. Chanel - Egoist
Picture taken from here
Well, this is a scent for men and even though I love to smell at men as it is supposed to be I also love to wear that scent myself from time to time :3 The scent is manly sure but it has a sweet note and in my opinion it absolutely smells like cinnamon *hihi*

What is your favourite scent? Do you rather like sweet, floral or fresh scents?

Have a nice and sunny day <3



  1. Ich muss zugeben, ich kenne keines dieser drei Parfums *hust*. Jedoch finde ich das zweite Flakon echt schön <3.

    Liebe Grüße! :)

    1. Naja, sooooo viele Parfüms wie es auf dem MArkt gibt, muss man auch net alle kennen xD Ich kenn auch gaaaaanz viele net ;)

      Der Flakon hat mich beim Anna Sui Parfüm auch zum kaufen "überredet" xD

      Ganz viele sonnige Grüße <3

  2. Ich kenne davon auch keines, aber generell finde ich Düfte von Bvlgari sehr schön, hihi. :)

    1. Ich kannte vor Rose Essentielle auch keinen Duft von Bvlgari aber der hats mir so angetan, dass ich mich da mal durchprobieren werde xD
