
Nov 17, 2011

Precious Memories~

As I had to move back to my parents house because of personal issues in my life I didn't have the time to do a proper post in the last few days...I apologize m(_._)m
Because my parents live 3 hours away from my beloved Franconia and I am not able to meet my dear Lolita-Friends for some time I had a farewell-weekend. On Saturday I went shopping with my girls in Nuremberg. We had Bubbletea two times and also did some minor sightseeing on the way to the different stores. Later we went to kooccachoos place to watch Inception and have delicious Gnocchi-Gratin *_* I miss my girls already *sighs* But I only have to endure 2 more weeks and I can visit them again *nyahahahaha*

Hans-Sachs Fountain in Nuremberg (also known as Marriage Carousel)
Saint Lorence Chutch in the Evening...I love how it looks with the streetlights ^^
Teddybear-Army in Douglas <3 So cute~
Me transforming into a teddybear xD
Even more teddies <3 Want one *_*
JSK/Blouse/Socks: Bodyline - Shoes: Yosuke - Stole: H&M - Sockstoppers: selfmade - Accessories: H&M, Bijpu Brigitte
The next day I visited another dear friend and we went to Starbucks...I wanted to have a Creme Brulee Macchiato but the season was already over so I took the usual Chai xD After that we looked around the shopping mall for some time and took some pictures of the Christmas decoration they already put beautiful <3 Other then Saturday this day was rather slow and relaxing...just talking about our university-days and precious memories...I am getting homesick again *sniff*

<3 <3 <3
I really love the decoration of the trees *_*
*kira kira*
JSK: Baby - Blouse/Socks: Bodyline - Shoes: An-tai-na - Accessories: H&M - Sockstoppers: selfmade


  1. Teddybear-Army <3

    Ok, Du hast es geschafft. Langsam aber sicher komme ich doch in Weihnachtsstimmung. ^^

  2. Aww du schaust süß aus <3
    Den Rehkragen hab ich jetzt auch! ^________^
    Blöd dass du wegziehen musstest =(

  3. @emilielynn: Gern geschehen ^^ Ich bin auch schon richtig in Weihnachtsstimmung...baut mich wenigstens ein wenig auf *sighs*

  4. @Yuki-chan:Danke ^////^
    Der Rehkragen ist so toll *_*
    Mit dem Wegziehen ließ sich nun nicht mehr aufschieben aber ich hoffe, dass es nur ne Übergangslösung ist...ich vermiss meine Mädels doch so T-T
